I took the AR9 out to the range. I was using bulk LAX 9mm ammo. We gathered some data on sound and speed. Check out the results.
We shot both Silenced and Unsilenced (Wolfman Suppressor). Below is the Sound level averages.:
Unsilenced db:153.5
Silenced db: 125.5
The sound reduction was 28 decibels. That is huge, and gets the sound to a much milder level. I still recommend hearing protection at this level.
For the Chronograph data, we averaged below.:
Unsilenced fps: 1212
Silenced fps: 1200
The speed was very similar, as you would hope. The first round with the was out of the norm being about 30fps slower. That one shot skewed the average down, and without it, would make the numbers almost equal. With that information, we find the Wolfman suppressor had almost zero impact on bullet speed. With more data, I would estimate that the speed averages would be much closer.
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